
The Ultimate Long-Term Travel Prep: 20-Point Checklist

Embarking on a long-term travel adventure is an exhilarating prospect, filled with the promise of new experiences, diverse cultures, and countless memories. However, the excitement can easily be overshadowed by the daunting task of preparation. Having traversed continents and navigated the complexities of extended travel myself, I’ve compiled The Ultimate Long-Term Travel Prep: 20-Point Checklist. This guide will ensure you’re well-prepared for a seamless journey, from the initial planning stages to the final farewell. So, grab a cuppa, and let’s dive into the world of long-term travel planning!

1. The Nitty-Gritty of Visas and Travel Documents

A Valid Passport is Always needed
A Valid Passport is Always needed! Check it!

First things first, make sure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned return date. Trust me, there’s nothing worse than being turned away at the airport because your passport’s about to expire. I once saw a bloke at Heathrow throwing an absolute wobbler when he realised his passport had less than three months left. Don’t be that guy!

As for visas, research the requirements for each country you plan to visit. Some may allow visa-free entry (usually 90 days), while others might require a bit of legwork.

Pro tip: check if you need a multi-entry visa if you’re planning to hop between countries.

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2. Prioritise Your Health: Vaccinations and Medications

Before you jet off, pay a visit to your GP or a travel clinic. They’ll advise you on necessary vaccinations and boosters based on your destinations. Some countries require proof of certain vaccinations, like yellow fever, so don’t skimp on this step.

While you’re at it, get a thorough health check-up. It’s better to address any niggles before you’re halfway up a mountain, believe me!

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3. Travel Insurance: Your Safety Net

I can’t stress this enough! Get comprehensive travel insurance! It’s not just about lost luggage (although that’s a right pain), it’s about having a safety net if you fall ill or have an accident abroad. Look for policies that cover adventure activities if you’re planning any adrenaline-pumping exploits.

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4. Budget Planning and Financial Prep

Budget travel
Budgeting Your Travel is a must!

Create a realistic budget for your travels. Factor in everything from accommodation and transport to food and activities. Don’t forget to include a buffer for unexpected expenses, they always crop up!

Inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any card blocks. Consider getting a travel-friendly credit card with no foreign transaction fees. I swear by my Monzo card for its ease of use abroad.

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5. Accommodation Options: Where to Rest Your Head

While spontaneity is part of the fun, having a rough idea of where you’ll rest your head is crucial. Find Accommodation by researching hostels, hotels, and Airbnb options in your destinations. Book the first few nights in each new location to give yourself time to find your bearings.

6. Getting Around: Transport Tips and Tricks

Bus is the cheapest way to get from A to B
Bus is the cheapest way to get from A to B

Look into transport options for getting between and within countries. Will you be flying, taking trains, or braving long-distance buses? Sites like Rome2Rio are brilliant for comparing different routes and modes of transport. 

7. Essential Documents: Scan and Save

Make copies of all your important documents like passport, visas, insurance policies, etc. Store digital copies in the cloud (I use Google Drive or iCloud) and keep physical copies separate from the originals. It’s a lifesaver if anything gets lost or stolen.

8. Learn Key Phrases in Local Languages


While English is widely spoken in many places, learning a few key phrases in the local language goes a long way. At the very least, master ‘hello’, ‘thank you’, and ‘where’s the loo?’. Trust me, it’ll make your interactions much more pleasant!

9. Pack Smart, Pack Light


The golden rule of long-term travel: pack light! You don’t need as much as you think you do. Opt for versatile clothing that can be layered. Don’t forget essentials like a good pair of walking shoes, a quick-dry towel, and a universal power adapter.

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10. Organise Your Tech

Don't Forget Gooogle Maps Life saver
Don't Forget Google Maps Life saver

Ensure all your gadgets are in good nick before you leave. Consider investing in a portable charger and a sturdy phone case. Download useful apps like Google Maps, XE Currency, and Duolingo for on-the-go language learning.

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11. Sort Out Your Mail and Bills


Arrange for someone to collect your mail or set up a mail forwarding service. Set up automatic payments for any bills that’ll continue while you’re away. The last thing you want is to return to a pile of late payment notices!

12. Get Your Jabs in Order


We’ve talked about vaccinations, but don’t forget to pack any regular medications you need. Get a letter from your doctor explaining your prescriptions, it can be a real help when going through customs.

13. Research Local Customs and Etiquette


Every country has its own set of social norms. Take some time to research local customs and etiquette for each destination. It’ll help you avoid any embarrassing faux pas and show respect for local cultures.

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14. Plan for Emergencies

Create an emergency plan. Share your itinerary with family or friends back home and set up regular check-ins. Note down emergency numbers for each country you’ll visit and the contact details of your country’s embassy or consulate.

Pro Tip: If you’re using an iPhone you can pin your locations and also share your location to family or friends.

15. Prepare Your Home for Your Absence

Make sure your home is secure!
Make sure your home is secure!

If you’re leaving a home behind, make sure it’s secure. Cancel any subscriptions, arrange for plant care if needed, and consider setting up timers on lights to deter burglars. It’s also worth giving a spare key to a trusted friend or neighbour.

16. Get Your Gear in Order

Depending on your travel style and destinations, you might need specific gear. Heading to the tropics? Don’t forget insect repellent and a good sunhat. Planning some hikes? Invest in quality walking boots and break them in before you leave.

17. Set Up a Travel Blog or Journal


Consider starting a travel blog or journal to document your adventures. It’s a great way to share your experiences with loved ones back home and create lasting memories. Plus, it might come in handy if you decide to write that bestselling travel memoir later!

18. Research Local SIM Cards or International Plans

A local sim is a life saver!
A local sim is a life saver!

Look into getting local SIM cards for each country you’ll visit or consider an international phone plan. Having data on the go can be incredibly useful for navigation and staying in touch.

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19. Arrange Any Necessary Permits

Some destinations require special permits for certain activities or areas. For example, if you’re planning to trek to Machu Picchu, you’ll need to arrange permits well in advance. Do your homework to avoid disappointment.

20. Embrace the Right Mindset

health and wellbeing
Young fitness woman is doing yoga by the river, preparing for morning workout.

Last but certainly not least, prepare yourself mentally for the adventure ahead. Long-term travel can be challenging at times, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Stay open-minded, be flexible, and prepare to have your world view expanded in ways you never imagined!


Preparing for long-term travel can seem daunting, but with this 20-point checklist, you’re well on your way to the adventure of a lifetime. Remember, thorough preparation is key to a smooth journey, but don’t forget to leave room for spontaneity and unexpected discoveries. After all, it’s often the unplanned moments that become the most cherished memories.

As you tick off each item on this ultimate long-term travel prep checklist, you’re not just organising a trip, you’re opening the door to a world of new experiences, cultures, and perspectives. So pack your bags, embrace the unknown, and get ready for the journey of a lifetime. The world is waiting for you!

Share your travel tips and experiences in the comments below, and let’s inspire each other to explore the world!

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Your Questions, Answered

How far in advance should I start preparing for long-term travel?

Ideally, start planning at least 6-12 months in advance. This gives you plenty of time to research, save money, and sort out practicalities like visas and vaccinations.

This varies greatly depending on your destinations and travel style. As a rough guide, budget £1000-£1500 per month for budget travel in most parts of the world. Always add a buffer for unexpected expenses.

It’s generally best to book your first few nights in each new destination, but leave room for flexibility. You might want to stay longer in some places or change your plans based on recommendations from fellow travellers.

A combination of methods is usually best. Carry some cash, use a travel-friendly debit card for day-to-day expenses, and have a credit card for emergencies. Always inform your bank of your travel plans.

Stay up-to-date with vaccinations, practice good hygiene, stay hydrated, and listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard, and don’t be afraid to see a doctor if you’re not feeling well.

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Travel Planning Resources


Ready to book your next trip? These trusted resources have been personally vetted to ensure a smooth travel experience.

Book Your Flights: Kick off your travel planning by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. Our years of experience with them confirm they offer the most competitive prices.

Book Your Hotel: For the best hotel rates, use if you’re in Europe. For other destinations, TripAdvisor is your go-to resource.

Find Apartment Rentals: For affordable apartment rentals, check out VRBO. They consistently offer the best prices.

Travel Insurance: Never travel without insurance. Here are our top recommendations:

  • SafetyWing for occasional travellers.
  • Medjet for global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Discover walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more on Get Your Guide. They have a vast selection of activities to enhance your trip.

Need More Help Planning Your Trip? Visit our Resources Page to see all the companies we trust and use for our travels.

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Sam Fisher Writer
I go by the name Sam, and I'm a 24-year-old digital creator and photographer. I'm passionate about embracing simpler, budget-friendly adventures as they help me appreciate the little moments in life even more. Through my content, writing, and photography, my aim is to spark inspiration in you to discover more everyday adventures.

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